- I Repent Jennifer Jade Kerr
- Throw Me a Bone Jennifer Jade Kerr
- Angry with God Jennifer Jade Kerr
- Permission to be Broken Jennifer Jade Kerr
- Green Jennifer Jade Kerr
- You and Your Love Jennifer Jade Kerr
- Happy Song Jennifer Jade Kerr
- There's a Stirring Jennifer Jade Kerr
- The Heart of God Jennifer Jade Kerr
- Skin Deep Jennifer Jade Kerr
- Reflection Jennifer Jade Kerr
- Human Jennifer Jade Kerr
News & Updates
All caps… look at that. I must be excited My spring tour this year will take me down through Vancouver and onto Vancouver Island! Really looking forward to visiting some churches, schools, coffee shops, and wonderful people. Check out the dates up so far, and keep checking back as I have more to add as details are finalized. God bless your Lenten journey, and…
That was 2013, and this is 2014!
So, here I am, sitting in my “office” (which, as is the case with many of you I’m sure, is a coffee shop with unlimited wifi). I have spent the last while reflecting on the year that has passed. It really was a good one, full of blessings and opportunities and wonderful people. I thought I would try this crazy thing called the “Christmas Letter”……
New Tour Buddy, and 2nd Covenant nom!
Hey friends! I write this on the eve of my fall BC tour with Kelti Malone. We are busy getting things ready for our first concert, tomorrow night at First Lutheran Church, right here in Kelowna. Can’t wait to share some tunes with my home congregation, and then hit the road for 10 days of BC goodness! Check the Shows page for all the…
Fall Plans, and WCMA News
Sorry things have been so quiet around here since spring tour out in Alberta and Saskatchewan… It took a good couple weeks to settle back into home life and catch my breath after nearly a month on the road with the fantastic Kelti Malone, but it’s time to gear things back up! My summer is full of exciting things like taking my youth group to…
I Heart the Prairies :)
Ahhh… it’s so good to be back. My prairie tour with the fantastic Kelti Malone started this past week in Edmonton, with two shows – one at a great coffeehouse called Jeffrey’s and one with the lovely folks at Grace Lutheran Church. Then, it was off for a few days in Calgary, then up to Grande Prairie, and now… off to Saskatchewan!!! I am so…